The University of Tokyo has one of the world's largest and broadest Human-Computer Interaction research communities.
Lab or Project | Faculty | Areas | Graduate Program | School or Institute |
AI Lab | Koichi Hori | Creative Activity Support Systems | AA | AA |
Cognitive Systems Engineering Lab | Kazuo Furuta | Cognitive Modeling, Social Systems | IES | SFS |
Computer Vision Lab | Yoichi Sato | Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality | EE | IIS |
Cyber Interface Lab | Michitaka Hirose | Virtual Reality | Mech.Info. | IST |
Design Engineering Lab | Tamotsu Murakami | CAD, Input Devices | Mech.Eng | Engineering |
Digital Museum | Ken Sakamura | Virtual Exhibits, MUDs | III, CS | UM, IST |
Human Communication Media Lab | Takeshi Naemura | Human Communication, Face Processing | EE, III | III, IST |
Interactive Intelligent Systems Laboratory | Koji Yatani | HCI, Ubiquitous Computing | EE | Engineering |
Ishizuka Lab | Mitsuru Ishizuka | Anthropomorphic Agents | EE | IST |
User Interface Research Group | Takeo Igarashi | Interaction Techniques for Graphics | CS | IST |
Rekimoto Lab | Jun Rekimoto | Human-Computer Interaction | III | III |
Nigel Ward   (links updated 2015, but not up-to-date)