HCI at The University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo has one of the world's largest and broadest Human-Computer Interaction research communities.

Researchers and Groups (partial list)

Lab or Project Faculty Areas Graduate Program School or Institute
AI Lab Koichi Hori Creative Activity Support Systems AA AA
Cognitive Systems Engineering Lab Kazuo Furuta Cognitive Modeling, Social Systems IES SFS
Computer Vision Lab Yoichi Sato Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality EE IIS
Cyber Interface Lab Michitaka Hirose Virtual Reality Mech.Info. IST
Design Engineering Lab Tamotsu Murakami CAD, Input Devices Mech.Eng Engineering
Digital Museum Ken Sakamura Virtual Exhibits, MUDs III, CS UM, IST
Human Communication Media Lab Takeshi Naemura Human Communication, Face Processing EE, III III, IST
Interactive Intelligent Systems Laboratory Koji Yatani HCI, Ubiquitous Computing EE Engineering
Ishizuka Lab Mitsuru Ishizuka Anthropomorphic Agents EE IST
User Interface Research Group Takeo Igarashi Interaction Techniques for Graphics CS IST
Rekimoto Lab Jun Rekimoto Human-Computer Interaction III III

Nigel Ward   (links updated 2015, but not up-to-date)